Sunday, February 12, 2012

Africa by Storm Deuxieme

Sorry, these are not turned properly. We visited two waterfalls down int he Kgou region. The top two pics are from a hike up this mini mountain. I'll spare all the awesome details, but the next morning we climbed back up to watch the sun come up. The bottom picks are from the Dindefelo waterfall. Awesome, but that water was freezing!!!!

Africa by Storm

Whoops. I cut everyone out of the shot except me. We were doing the xc though. 

J man and one of my host brothers (the one who studies the Koran in the town near our village). To the left (why did I frame them this way?) the water was almost perfectly calm and there was an errie forest of dead trees still somehow standing in the middle of the water. An entrancing scene. 

From the J man's visit, we biked 15k down to the river, to the dam. I had never been there, and thought the word being used to describe the place 'barrage' meant like campament, like a place to hang out, etc. No no, 'barrage' just means dam. Pretty awesome place, one of the many we found, to just play around. (Pictures of us swimming around available on request...) Before the J man's visit, I had only seen monkeys once, and only briefly as they crossed the road. Here, a nice herd (not correct) of monkeys scampered away when we rolled in, and the J man and I pursued them briefly up the hill. We had to haul back, but rolled back home just as it was getting dark. An early adventure from the many we had while the J man was here. 

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

XC in Seoul

Recently, Korean Air was cool enough to turn a 3 hour layover in Seoul into a 3 day layover, and I went around town with a family friend and represented the XC.
in front of the palace.

This is a big public bathhouse called a . It's the kind of thing you never do until you're traveling and someone says "spend the night in a sauna? sleep on a floor?" and you're like "why not."