Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cross-Country at Karatepe

Adorning a monumental gateway at the Neo-Hittite fortress of Karatepe. Most likely an age record for the CXC--these are from the 8th century B.C.

A True Performance

Not since the days of Alexander (who passed by this town en route to Egypt and Babylon), has the theater of Hieropolis been blessed with such a performance. Except, perhaps, when that brother of a medieval king got boiled alive in that castle in the upper left.

Friday, June 18, 2010


As you can see, we've gotten a good start towards world domination of the CXC. By my count, we have six countries, all in Europe and North America with the exception of the Asian part of Turkey. Anyone planning a trip to Africa or Latin America?

CXC goes to Turkey

This CXC was posed in from the the Cave-Church of St. Peter in Antakya (ancient Antioch). Much to my surprise, I did not see any holy hand grenades. It is supposedly the earliest place where Christians gathered to worship in secret. The facade here was built by the crusaders after they recaptured the city in 1098. I believe this is also the first CXC ever posed in Asia.