Thursday, September 2, 2010

Doing Didyma, Performing at Pergamon

Temple of Apollo at Didyma, one of the largest temples in the ancient world. Current home to stray dogs.

The great theater at Pergamon, built into a mountainside, with modern town below. In Roman times, this city had 150,000 people. Off to the left of where I was standing was the great library, rivalling the one at Alexandria. Apparently, the Egyptians weren't too happy about that, so they cut of the supply of papyrus, forcing the Pergamese to develop parchment from animal skin.

Donnie Digs for ɔXc

I spent most of the summer excavating at Zincirli, an Iron Age city. 115 degree heat and 4:30am wake-ups were appropriately hardcore. Additional note: You may notice, on close inspection, that my collar is popped. This is for heat and sun protection alone, and should not (here's looking at you, Dan Hodson) be seen as condoning the practice in any larger context. Donahue Erb-Satullo '07

Trojan CXC

Many an epic battle took place beneath the walls for Troy, where Swift-Footed Achilles fought Hector, Breaker of Horses. Though ruins now, Troy is once again achieves epic grandeur by association with the cXc. --Donahue Erb-Satullo '07